
Saturday, January 30, 2016

Homework is an essential part of schooling and plays an important role in revisiting classroom work and/or practising vital skills.

Homework is handed out and explained in detail to students every Friday. (First weeks homework for the Term went out on Friday 29/01) It is due back at school the following Thursday to allow time for marking over night and to be ready for Friday.

The following pages should be included in your Homework folders along with your spelling words and LSCWC (look, say, cover, write, check) in your exercise books.

The design of the grid: Tasks are divided into different areas. The titles of the columns are based on the type of thinking required as described in Bloom’s taxonomy. As you work across the grid, higher order thinking skills are required.
We all learn and understand things differently. Each row is labelled with a different ‘learning style’ based on Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory. We encourage children to choose a variety of tasks which interest and challenge them to learn in different ways.

This is a table of spelling activities to choose from. Two are to be completed each week and coloured in.

This week our focus for maths is our 2 times tables. Fact families are used to help understand the turn around facts and the division facts paired with 2x.
A reading log helps keep track of the books you have read.

If you have any queries or questions regarding the homework tasks please feel free to contact us.
Enjoy and have fun with your homework!

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